Building Accountable Communities Toolkit

We know there are more productive ways to hold each other accountable and to address harm in our communities than the criminal legal system. Use our toolkit of posters, videos, and other educational tools to get the word out in your own communities.
Posters & Resources

New Videos in the Building Accountable Communities Series
We recently released three new videos in the Building Accountable Communities series: Everyday Practices of Transformative Justice, The Modern Roots of Transformative Justice, and What is Accountability?
The Building Accountable Communities Project promotes non-punitive responses to harm by developing resources for transformative justice practitioners and organizing convenings and workshops that educate the public.
Created by Project NIA and the Barnard Center for Research on Women. Video produced by Mariame Kaba, Dean Spade, and Hope Dector.
Building Accountable Communities
Learn what accountability means in social movements and find out how you can be accountable to survivors.
Transforming Harm: Experiments in Accountability
Accountability and transformative justice go hand in hand. Watch this video to explore best practices for working with both survivors and harm doers.
Moving at the Speed of Trust: Disability Justice and Transformative Justice
Watch disability justice organizers discuss strategies that weave into transformative justice and prove that societal change can be inclusive.